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Results for "tradition: "Sufism""
Rumi's Four Essential Practices Rumi on letting go of the selfish and separate self and experiencing a connection with the world.
A Commuter's Guide to Enlightenment Stewart Bitkoff on learning acceptance from traffic, diversity from landscapes, and understanding right and wrong.
The Return of the Feminine and the World Soul Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee on making connections between our hearts and the crisis of a desecrated Earth.
An Emerald Earth A Sufi perspective on the value of being tested in the spiritual life.
Love's Ripening Kabir Helminski's translation of Rumi's poem Open the Window.
The Inner Journey Kabir Helminski on adab, or manners and kindness.
Message from the Sparrows Explores the Sufi path with its emphasis on love, seeing connections, imagination and searching for truth.
The Inner Life An elegant and meditative introduction to the bounties of Sufism in terms of mystery, beauty and devotion.
Muhammad quoted in Merton and Sufism The Prophet said, "Let him groan..."
Hafiz Version by Daniel Ladinsky in The Gift Blame keeps the sad game going